[1]Designer, 6+ year ︎ Bachelor in Social Communication with specialization in Advertising from Jorge Amado University, Salvador, Bahia. [2]Its focus revolves around explorations and visual scopes, drawing on digital and printed sources and fostering of digital products. Enthusiastic about visual languages and processes, he takes risks in what he likes and believes that this risk is what makes each person's process special.

Heineken Orbits

Heineken Orbits is a mobile app for Heineken, the main idea is to bring a contact through app and with this the user win rewards for rescue this orbits. The app also allows a series of functions, such as livestream, sharing, contact with other brands and other roles.

Role: Visual Design
Agency: R/GA
With: Alexandre Perotto, Guilherme Penalva, Herbert Freitas, Priscila Schip, Rafael Ponzini e Zeca Coelho

[3]Current: Freelancer █ [4]▼Previous: Tátil, Meiuca, Jillion, R/GA, Galeria, Africa, Tég [5] Itaú, Becks, Ally, Natura, OBoticário, SBF, Heineken, Bloomberg, Mercado Bitcoin, Bradesco, Pepsi&Co, Wellhub, TurboTax, Linkedin.